We are looking for new, talented colleagues who would expand our ranks and contribute to our success at home and abroad.
STV GROUP, together with its sister companies, offers the background of a stable, fast-growing group with above-average salaries and excellent employee benefits. If you do not find a position that suits you in our current offer of positions, do not hesitate to send us your CV. As soon as we find something suitable for you, we will contact you immediately.
We are looking for new, talented colleagues who would expand our ranks and contribute to our success at home and abroad.
Job offer at STV GROUP
Sales manager
lorem ipsum
Naší vizí je poskytovat co nejkomplexnější služby v oblasti zbraní a střeliva, proto si u nás můžete domluvit také puškařské služby.
Konstruktér zbraní
Pracujte v tradiční české firmě, která si zakládá na kvalitních produktech, hodnotách a péčí o své zaměstnance.
Nábor zaměstnanců